Homeless Care Foundation

Tiffin Seva For Helpless Abandoned Elderlies

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Donation Total: ₹400.00

Tiffin Seva for helpless abandoned Elderlies

Join us in our mission to provide comfort and nourishment to helpless abandoned elderlies through our campaign, “Tiffin Seva.” Many senior citizens find themselves alone and neglected, with no one to care for them. With your support, we aim to deliver nutritious meals and companionship to these vulnerable individuals, offering them a ray of hope in their twilight years.

We need funds to cover expenses like purchasing ingredients, acquiring vehicles for food transportation, and ensuring that our dedicated employees receive timely salaries.

You contribution can create a world where every homeless individual and abandoned elderly person receives hygienic, healthy and compassionate care.

Homeless Care Foundation is providing regular free tiffin seva (meal service) to 78 Helpless Abandoned Elderlies twice a day.

Rahul left his stable government job to feed & care for weak, Helpless and Starving Elderlies. Support Him.

Forgotten in their twilight years, these elders are left to fend for themselves.

Homeless Care Foundation has sole aim to feed and care for Helpless Elderly individuals who had no one else to care for them. Some of them are beaten up & dragged out of house by their son’s, many of these elders are either paralyzed, disabled or over the age 75, unable to work and cook food at their own due to illness. Some couldn’t even get up from bed on their own, making Homeless Care Foundation their only source of support.  

Sadly, some of these seniors don’t make it through these tough times and pass away.

Rahul’s mission extends beyond food. Along with his team and a dedicated set of volunteers, he is able to provide clothing, basic medicines, walkers, wheelchairs and other daily necessities to helpless elderly individuals, offering them a lifeline they never thought they would have.

A complete lifeline for the elderly downtrodden.

We need your support to keep putting smiles on their faces. I believe that with your support , we will reach 400-500 helpless parents in the near future. However the need is far greater than the resources available. We are receiving countless requests from nearby elders, desperate for a warm meal and a kind word. But limited resources prevent us from extending our reach further.

