Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with Homeless Care Foundation

Section 135 of the Companies Act in 2013 introduced the provision for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), aiming to encourage companies to give back to societies. At Homeless Care Foundation, we believe in fostering partnerships with corporate entities to create a meaningful impact on the lives of the less fortunate.

Why Partner With Homeless Care Foundation?

Our Work: Homeless Care Foundation is internationally recognized for its dedication to rescuing abandoned senior citizens and mentally disabled individuals. With over 15,000 rescues in the last decade and more than 800 underprivileged residents currently under our care, partnering with us can uplift lives and set a humanitarian tone for corporations.

Tax Exemption: Homeless Care Foundation is registered under 80G of the Indian Income Tax Exemption Act, enabling corporations to receive tax benefits for their contributions, thus making their support even more impactful.

Our Diverse Missions: From animal and environmental rights advocacy to empowering the underprivileged, Homeless Care Foundation caters to various sections of society, offering corporations an opportunity to support causes that resonate with their values.

Dedicated Team for CSR: With over 13 years of experience and having collaborated with more than 350 companies, our professional CSR team ensures transparency, accountability, and effective utilization of resources in all CSR initiatives.

Expanding Your Reach: Partnering with Homeless Care Foundation allows corporations to integrate their marketing efforts with social impact, enhancing brand development and public reach. Through our numerous events and campaigns, corporate partners can contribute to societal welfare while gaining exposure to diverse audiences.

Previous Collaborations: Past collaborations with companies have significantly improved our shelter facilities and facilitated impactful campaigns such as the “Do Not Honk” initiative conducted in various Indian cities. Corporate support has ranged from providing monthly rations and medicines to sponsoring events and campaigns.

If you represent a corporation or organization interested in partnering with Homeless Care Foundation to contribute to our missions, campaigns, or events, please contact us via email or phone. Our dedicated CSR representative will promptly assist you in initiating your journey towards creating a positive impact on society.

Together, let’s make a difference in the lives of the homeless and vulnerable individuals in our community. Join us in our mission to bring hope, dignity, and care to those in need.